
fall into four categories meaning in Chinese



  1. According to its uses , lcd panel can be classified into 9 categories such as communication , domestic electrical appliance , palm computer , transportation means , measuring apparatus , meters and instruments , stationery , entertainment facility and others . according to display methods , lcd panel can be divided into two types , i . e . positive and negative types . according to optical modes , lcd panel falls into four categories , namely , reflective , transmissive , transflective and holographic types
    液晶显示屏lcd分类方式有多种,如:按产品用途,可分为通信工具家用电器掌上电脑交通工具计量器械仪器仪表文教器具游艺设施等类别按显示方式,可分为正性负性两类按光学模式,可分为反射型透射型半透半反型全息型等4类按lcd类别,可分为tn型htn型stn型fstn型按颜色模式,可分为黄绿灰黑白蓝等按观察方向,可分为3 6 9 12点钟及其它等。
  2. In the united states , international treaties present at least four distinctive forms , and article vi , section ii of the us constitution adopts them wholesale as the supreme law of the land ; nevertheless , since 1829 the courts have come to distinguish the self - executing and non - self - executing treaties , but a large volume of cases and commentaries have controversy and confusion on the differential criteria , which has fallen into four categories in this article : intent , constitutionality , justiciability and private right of action
    首先, 《美国宪法》第六条第二款将在国内至少表现为四种不同形式的国际条约作为整体一揽子采纳为全国最高的法律;但自从1829年,其司法实践中开始区分自动执行与非自动执行两种类型的条约,前者无须进一步采取立法或行政上的措施就能直接适用,后者反之。大量的案例和评论对于二者的区分标准充满了争论与困惑,本文将其分为意图、合宪性、司法性和私人诉权四类并加以分析和评价。

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  10. square four
  11. fall into disuse, die out
  12. fall into evil ways
  13. fall into heresy
  14. fall into line
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